Friday, May 26, 2006

Bush the contrite = or he plays one pn tv.

Wolcott says here (

"My guess is that the administration believed it didn't need this or any other prop, that the Firm Fist of American Resolve would suffice, and that Dick Cheney still believes that might equals right and legal niceties are for sissy-men. Bush seems to have drifted away from Cheney's clenched certitudes...tapering off in his own aimless direction. For the good of the country, let's hope he doesn't become orphaned and imprisoned within his own presidency, giving us a replay of the embittered, Watergate-haunted Nixon at the end of his rope, when the drapes in the Oval Office began to resemble druid's robes and portraits on the walls became his only companions. We don't need to relive that horror movie again. Not with the glaciers melting, and other, bigger horror movies threatening to unfold."

Not so sure, I think I would rather Bush talking to the oil paint. I could definitely live with that. Better than having this fool in fool's clothing running around with actual power to do even more damage than he has done.

I would gladly pour W oneof Nixon's scotches if he wouldjust start talking to Truman's poertrait instead of hallucinating that he and Harry will come within orders of magnitude to each other in historical esteem.

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